Monthly Archives: January 2017

Fate’s Roar: Cover Reveal and Official Trailer!

Fate’s Roar is ready for preorder for a special introductory price of only 99cents! Limited time only!


Don’t miss out! This story is hot, full of suspense, and definitely a thrilling ride! I promise you, it will have you biting your nails. A part of you will hate Shane, but the other part will absolutely adore him. Are you ready for the cover?


Shane is probably one of the most intense characters I’ve ever written about. He’s selfish, yet he’d die protecting the ones he loves. He’s fierce and ruthless, yet just as sensitive and loving.


Are you ready for the trailer? Here’s the link:

New Year, New You!

Find Your Destiny!

Hey, lovely people! Just in case you didn’t know, it’s January 1st, 2017! That’s right. Another year passed…actually flew by. Hope you were able to accomplish all you wanted to in 2016.

Most of us, though, are probably still working toward our goals. For example, you may still not have reached the fitness goal you had set for yourself. Or, maybe you wanted to get a certain grade in a particular class, and it didn’t quite happen. Or perhaps, that promotion you had your eyes on for 2016 didn’t go through.

Don’t get discouraged! You are not alone, believe me. The good news is that we have more time to try to reach those goals. I mean, somebody up there thought we needed more time in this world because we’re not quite done, are we?

I do realize I’m rambling right now. But hey, just trying to help all of us regroup here. We need to be proud of all we did accomplish in 2016. We need to lift our heads up high and realize those tough times when we could have fallen a part, we held ourselves together and somehow made it through. We need to believe in ourselves and our dreams. Let the wind guide you. Don’t be afraid to adjust the sail to reach your destination.


I’m a firm believer of never giving up. If something is important enough, never walk away. It’s easier to walk away, trust me. It takes more courage to fight and keep fighting. This could be anything. It could be fighting for somebody you love. Or trying to get that degree. Or trying to land that job. Or even trying to sell millions of books. We all have to do some soul searching and figure out what’s important in our lives. Then, fight, fight, fight for that dream.

Perhaps it’s an idealistic view. But, who else will believe in us if we don’t believe in ourselves? We have one opportunity in this lifetime to get it right. You don’t want to be that 90 year old (yes, I’ve had many of these for patients, and they’ve regretted on missed opportunities) in a nursing home, remembering your life with nothing but regrets. Choose wisely. Live fully. Love unconditionally. Laugh uncontrollably. Find your destiny!


I wish you all a wonderful New Year! Here’s to 2017 and hoping much peace and happiness to you.

I leave you with this one final quote from one of my books, Chaysing Dreams: There will always be ups and downs, twists and turns in our lives. But we have to find the strength to keep moving forward. The past is done…it’s over, and you can’t change it. You can hold on to your memories and learn from them. Look at what’s in front of you, focus on your vision, and run toward it. Because when it’s all said and done, only you are in charge of your strength, peace, and happiness.” 

What is your path in life? What is your destiny?
