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My Perfect Imperfections

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. My apologies! 2020 had been such a crazy year. Honestly, I simply just shut down. My emotions were all over the place with everything that was happening. I literally was just trying to get through one day at a time.

I hope all of you are doing well. I hope you were able to find some good reads. For me, may times, books help to escape the crazy real world.

I do have some exciting updates though! My Perfect Imperfections will be on audio soon! Yay! I’m super excited and can’t wait to hear the final product.

I also wanted to share that I am part of a book club. And this week, they chose My Perfect Imperfections as the book to read. I honestly couldn’t wait for them to read this heartfelt story. Also, I hadn’t read it since I had published it (2016). So, it was nice to read it again and fall in love with Lily and Chance all over again. And yes, I cried again while reading it (even though I knew exactly what was going to happen).

Anyway, from writing this story, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing people. I even consider some of them my friends now. Caitlyn Connelly is a young woman with cerebral palsy. She is super cool and is doing some amazing things to raise awareness. She decided to join the book club because My Perfect Imperfections is one of her favorite stories. What an honor to have her attend. It was so neat to have her actually show the members of the book club how she uses her power wheelchair and her communication device. When she shared her thoughts about the book, I blinked back the tears. It meant so much to me that this story is actually doing exactly what I wanted it to do. I just have to share her beautiful words:

“Hi everyone!
My name is Caitlyn Connelly and I am more than likely the biggest fan ever of Jalpa’s book, My Perfect Imperfections. I am 23 years old and have cerebral palsy and dystonia. I use a power wheelchair and rely heavily on my ipad to communicate, but refuse to let those define me. I earned my bachelor’s degree summa cumm laude in communications from Holy Family University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in December 2019. From an early age, I have been an avid reader and have always loved books. My Perfect Imperfections is by far the best book I have ever read (and I read a LOT!) and captures how I feel about everything in my life. I have had a lot of really similar experiences as the main character Lily too, and the book also has the message that no one can change the world but they can shape their own life.  I could go on for awhile about this book but still have trouble finding words to express how special it is to me. I love this book and it made me feel not alone. Like the main character Lily, I too was born with cerebral palsy and am also a huge Christina Perri fan. I have always tried to not let cerebral palsy stop me from doing anything I set my mind to, but honestly the last several years have not always been easy. My Perfect Imperfections has put another voice out in the world expressing just about everything I feel and think, as well as my hopes and fears. I have also given copies of this book to several of my doctors, and anyone who knows or meets me knows My Perfect Imperfections is bound to come up in conversation at some point.
When I started college, I felt very alone.  Lily said it perfectly, “While I was driving my wheelchair, I didn’t even get a “hi” from anybody. As a matter of fact, it was like I wasn’t there. These kids just looked right through me. I guess it would have been easier to feel invisible. Instead, I felt painfully visible, but entirely ignored.” I first read My Perfect Imperfections during my freshman year of college. and honestly I don’t know if I would have stuck it out if it wasn’t for this wonderful little book. I also really liked that like me, Lily could speak verbally but only her family and very close friends could understand her, so she also used a communication device. However, I did hate how her parents withheld her communication device after Layna passed away.
I am committed to changing people’s perspectives with my own unique experience. I love how words can transport you somewhere else and create more understanding as well as openness. I find communication fascinating, and like my favorite authors, I am passionate about bringing people together to connect, share, learn and just have fun.  While pursuing my communications degree at Holy Family University, I overcame stigma and isolation by starting the campus organization IDEA – Interdisciplinary Disability Education and Acceptance. My Perfect Imperfections was actually the very first book we discussed. This past summer I created my own website where I blog and review different media related to disability such as books, movies and TV shows.”

Thank you, Caitlyn! Your words mean more to me than I can say. Everyone, please follow my friend on her new website,

A Brand New Interview

A brand new interview with Confessions of a Disabled Diva. Please go to her site for the original interview: click here

Here’s the interview by Joanne Grana. Joanne is an inspirational woman who runs her own blog. Thank you for having me!


Jalpa Williby has been a physical therapist for twenty-six years. The majority of her patients have cerebral palsy. That’s her day job,

Jalpa is also an award-winning author. I was curious whether there are any similarities between being a PT and a writer. I wanted to learn more about her and the nine novels she has authored.

I hope that you enjoy reading about this unique and fascinating woman. When you are finished reading this post  I encourage you to download one of her books, You won’t be disappointed.

What prompted you to choose your career as a physical therapist?

I always knew I wanted to be in the medical field. I like to be able to make a difference in people’s lives. When I found out about physical therapy, I wasn’t quite sure what it was. I decided to volunteer in physical therapy to find out more about it. And instantly, I was drawn to it. I loved the one on one interactions with the patients. I saw the vital role physical therapists played in patients’ lives. I’ve been practicing for 26 years now and have loved every moment of it.

When did you begin working with individuals who have CP?   

I’ve always worked with individuals with CP, but for the last eighteen years, the focus of my practice has been with neuro patients. The majority of my patients have cerebral palsy.

What are the challenges/rewards of being a PT?

The rewards will always outweigh any challenges. I feel that my patients actually end up being my teachers. I’ve learned so much from them…about courage, positivity, perseverance, motivation. They inspire me to bring the best version of myself every single day. A major challenge I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that my body can feel the aches and pains. Practicing as a physical therapist for twenty-six years has definitely taken a toll on my body. But, I’m going to keep going. That’s what my patients have taught me. Never give up.

Are there any similarities between being a PT and a writer? Have any of your patients inspired any of your characters? 

Creativity is a huge part of being a physical therapist and writer. Additionally, I think as a physical therapist and as a writer, I know people count on me to do my best. My patients need me to give 100% when I work with them. Likewise, my readers want me to put my best work out there. I expect nothing less from me, both as a physical therapist and as a writer. My patients definitely have inspired me to write My Perfect Imperfections. As a matter of fact, I wrote the story for them. Lily, the character from My Perfect Imperfections, is actually inspired by a beautiful, young woman I met, named Charisse. She also has cerebral palsy, and as I got to know Charisse more, Lily was created.

Were you nervous about writing a book about a young woman with CP?  Many people do not believe that people who are severely disabled can find happiness and love. My Perfect Imperfections debunks that myth. How much research was involved in writing the book?  If your book was made into a movie who are your top choices to play Chance and Lily?

Yes, I was nervous, to be honest. I was more nervous because I wanted to get it right. I didn’t want to insult anybody with cerebral palsy. It is a story about a strong, young woman, who has a bit more obstacles than average, to overcome. But, I wanted the audience to fall in love with Lily. I wanted them to see her as a beautiful, young woman, and not as someone with a disability in a wheelchair. This was very important to me. Lily has goals, desires, loves, hurts, falls apart, gets back up, and through it all, she keeps her head up. I wanted her to inspire the readers, and also, see the world of disability differently than what society portrays at times.

To prepare for this story, I interviewed many individuals with cerebral palsy. Outside of my own patients, I also reached out to individuals out in the community. The age varied, and some were married, some were working, some lived completely independently, and some lived in a facility. I just wanted to really reach out to get the full picture. That’s the beauty of social media. I found many new friends from writing this heartfelt story.

Man, that would be a dream come true if this was made into a  movie. Here’s a fan-made trailer actually for My Perfect Imperfections (Douglas Booth and Hailee Steinfeld).

Tell us about your other novels Chaysing Trilogy and The Invisible Veil. Series These novels are a complete departure from My Perfect Imperfections.  Where did the idea for these books originate?

Chaysing Trilogy is my first “baby” as I like to call my books. I got the idea to write this story because I always wondered what dreams really mean. Also, I’ve treated many patients where there’s some anomaly in genes. I always wondered why can’t it go the other way? What if the genes are perfectly aligned or even enhanced? So, this story was created. Chaysing Trilogy is romantic suspense. It has lots of twists and turns, guaranteed to make you cry and laugh.

My most recent books, The Invisible Veil Series, actually focus on human trafficking. I try to write stories that raise awareness of what’s going on around the world. Again, I do this through my characters. It’s also a romantic suspense, a thriller, and truly a story that will stay with you for a long time. I bring up PTSD of an American soldier as well as other issues we may face such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness. I only hope my characters bring hope to my readers when things may seem hopeless.

What is the writing process like for you?  Do you outline first or just start writing?

Actually, I have to outline first, just to keep my thoughts organized. This is not rigid at all. But, it keeps me focused on what I want to include in my story. For example, for My Perfect Imperfections, I made a list of what I wanted to include. I definitely wanted to bring up the stereotypes of people in wheelchairs, the bullying, communication devices, what happens if the wheelchair breaks down, physical or sexual assaults, fitting in socially, and dating/falling in love. These were tough topics to write about, but so vital to the story. Almost always, though, the story changes as I start writing. The characters kind of take over and they dictate how they want their story to go. Lily and Chance were supposed to be best friends only. Originally, I had no plans on them falling in love. But, as I continued to write, as crazy as it may sound, they kind of wrote their own story.

You have won numerous awards as an author What’s the most exciting thing that has happened to you since you began writing?  

I never expected to win awards, to be honest. The books also have been best sellers. It’s all been surreal for me. I additionally began writing because it was a challenge to myself. I had no idea how awesome this ride was going to be. The most exciting thing though? I’d definitely say the readers. I love it when I receive a heartfelt review of a story. I love it when I get personal messages that say how much the story helped them see things from a different perspective. If I can help even one person through my stories, then really, what can be more gratifying than that?

Can you give us a hint about your next writing project? 

To be honest, I’m focusing on my family and myself right now. I still work full time as a physical therapist, so writing is typically done late nights and on weekends. I have nine books out right now, but I worked non-stop to get them out. Right now, I think it’s important I spend time with my son and just enjoy him (he’s my last baby). This doesn’t mean my mind is still not going a hundred miles per hour. I’ve been taking notes on a possible story. It would be a young adult dystopian genre. I really want to write it because I bring up a lot of the political mess that’s going on currently in the world. Most will say to stay away from politics, but you know what? I’ve never been the cowering type. I’m very emotionally driven, so I tend to follow my heart first. Perhaps it’s not a good trait, but it is what it is. Hopefully, I’ll get to finish that story one of these days. I do think it’s going to be very intense…

Is there anything else you’d like my readers to know?

First of all, thanks for having me. I’m truly honored to be your guest. I’d like to encourage your readers to try one of my books. They all are different, but each definitely will stay with you for a long time. The books are all available on Amazon. If anybody wants to stalk me, you can find me at the following sites:


FB page:

FB Reader page:


Twitter: https:/www./




Girl Behind The Veil-Chap 1

Hello, you amazing humans! It’s been a while. I know I’ve been MIA. But, such is life at times. It moves way fast…so fast, it’s hard to keep up at times.

Quick update on my writing adventures. I’m planning to republish my Chaysing Trilogy in paperback form as an indie author. I’m currently going through it and changing some things a bit. I’ll have my amazing cover designer make some minor changes. Hopefully, I’ll have the books available in paperback form by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, I wanted to share Chapter One of Girl Behind The Veil. I’m really proud of this story, so I hope you like it.


The Mission


My assignment was simple. Buy the girl and get out. It shouldn’t be too difficult since I’d been in much more dangerous missions than this. Piece of cake.

Besides, being in the Special Forces for the United States government had trained me well to perform under pressure. At the age of twenty-five, I was one of the younger soldiers in my unit. But I had more than proved my worth. Not only was I picked for this assignment because of my age, but I was one of the top combat and weaponry agents, as well as being fluent in four languages.

I was disguised as Pier Silvani, a wealthy son of a very successful Italian businessman. Pier had a reputation of getting what he wanted, even if he had to break the rules to get it. It made me sick how many human trafficking operations existed in the world. These evil men found ways to obtain the innocent girls in their possession and sell them to the highest bidders.

I rode in the back of the Jeep while the two Pakistani men with their guns in their hands sat in the front. They had picked me up from my hotel couple of hours ago and were bringing me to check the girls out in person. I was well aware that I was at a complete disadvantage with no weapons of my own. I wasn’t even allowed to bring a cell phone with me.

Typically, I wasn’t assigned to such missions, but this one was different. Apparently, they had kidnapped the wrong girl. It looked like this girl I was to save was somebody important. I was never informed of her father’s identity, but was told he was a big shot in the political world. As soon as he found out his daughter was missing, he contacted the right connections with enough influence to have my team be brought in to find her.

Once it was determined that this human trafficking organization had kidnapped her three weeks ago while she was shopping at a bazaar, we were given strict instructions to keep it all very simple. I would act as a client, buy her from the organization, and get her out. We would then see her safe to her father, and the mission would be completed.

I only hoped that she never told her kidnappers her true identity. If they realized they had a goldmine in their hands, God only knew what they’d do to her. Even I wasn’t notified of much information about her. I was merely shown a picture of her and was told she was only nineteen years old. My unit hadn’t even told me her name.

Luckily, we had enough contacts to get me in as one of the potential clients. At first, I was given photographs of girls to choose from by the kidnappers. I wasn’t interested in any of the other girls, though. Sure, it would be pretty awesome to be able to save them all, but their fate was out of my hands. I was after the one and only—the girl with the beautiful, gray eyes.

Since my team had already shown me numerous photos of her, I recognized her picture immediately when it was presented to me. She had a hijab around her face, so her hair was completely covered, but her gray eyes were unmistakable. Whereas the other girls had cast their eyes down, this girl had stared straight into the camera with a look of defiance.

To keep it believable, I’d chosen four different girls out of the twenty pictures they’d shown me, one being the subject. Now, as we approached the compound—which appeared to be in the middle of nowhere in northern parts of Pakistan—my senses were on high alert. Already driving for two hours, there was nothing around us but vast land.

As we got closer, I noticed five different Jeeps parked, and two large tents were set up. I was guided into one of the tents by the driver and was ordered to stay there until further instructions. Knowing I was with no weapons in the middle of nowhere and responsible for saving somebody of great importance made my adrenaline pump even faster. But the fact that they believed I was very wealthy who liked to live on the edge helped me get this close to the subject.

When they brought the four girls into the tent, each was covered from head to toe in her traditional attire. Five men with guns were accompanying them. One of the men, who appeared to be their leader, approached me and shook my hand. He smiled as he pointed to the girls behind him. I smiled back, showing him I was looking forward to the business transaction.

“Welcome, Pier Silvani. I think you’ll be pleased with these girls, yes?” The man spoke in Urdu.

“Yes, very pleased,” I replied in Urdu. I wasn’t that good in the language, but I was able to wing it if needed.

“Shall we speak in English to make it easier for both of us?” he asked in a heavy accent.

“I would prefer it,” I agreed, being careful to speak with an accent as well. “Thank you.”

With a swift move, he approached each of the girls and pulled their garments off them. Four completely naked girls stood before me, and it took everything out of me not to react at their humiliation. As much as I wanted to cover the girls, I pretended to inspect each of them by circling around them. Some of the girls whimpered, some trembled out of fear, and all but one kept their gaze down to the ground.

I knew who the girl I was searching for immediately. She was the one who kept staring straight ahead, her lips drawn into a thin line, showing defiance. Her skin was as clear as a porcelain doll, and the contrast of her jet-black hair cascading against her snow-white body took my breath away. Her almond-shaped eyes were the most unusual color of gray, and I was certain that the depth in them could pierce one’s soul.

Whereas the other girls stood with their shoulders stooped forward, she remained erect with her shoulders and head held high. There was not a sound coming from her while she stood strong and held onto her pride. Even though her hands were rolled into tight fists and she kept her chin up, I could tell she was hanging on by a thin thread, holding onto any little dignity that remained.

An overwhelming urge to cover her with my own jacket from the prying eyes of the disgusting pigs snuck up on me. I wanted to protect this girl—a complete stranger—and whisk her away.

“Don’t worry, they’re all virgins. We inspected them.” The man laughed as if he was sharing some inside joke with me.

I forced myself to laugh with him and then pointed to the girl I was after. “I want her.”

“Ah, yes, she is special, yes? We call her Azmia. A beautiful girl, yes?” He approached her and smacked her on her bare bottom.

I saw Azmia close her eyes and clench her jaw, trying to keep herself together.

I stepped right in front of her and cupped her chin in my hand, forcing her to look at me. She stared deep into my eyes, daring me to make the next move. Leaning forward, I brushed my lips against hers ever so softly, causing the men to laugh and whistle. She, however, kept her lips tight, maintaining indifference to my kiss.

“Azmia,” I repeated the name. How fitting since Azmia meant brave. “Yes, very beautiful. I want her. Here’s the money you asked for.” I held out the briefcase containing $50,000 in cash.

The man grabbed the briefcase from my hand and opened it. Once satisfied of the content, he nodded. “Yes, you’ll enjoy this one. We have her papers and her new IDs for you. You should have no problems getting her out of the country.” He then turned toward his men and spoke in Urdu. “Cover the girls up and get this one ready to go. And keep your hands off her!”

I wasn’t surprised that he had to remind his men to keep their hands to themselves since it appeared they wouldn’t hesitate one bit to fulfill their wildest fantasies with her.

Within ten minutes, the girl named Azmia was sitting next to me in the back seat of the Jeep, covered from head to toe in her black garment. This time, the man who spoke English was riding in the front as a passenger, but the driver remained the same. They were supposed to take us to the airport in Islamabad where they believed my private jet was waiting for us. It was a three-hour drive, and if everything went as planned, we should be at the airport before sunset.

My goal was to just keep us safe for the next three hours, and then my assignment would be done. My team was already waiting for us at the airport, and they’d take over. They were supposed to check us in through the gates as if we were any other passengers to avoid suspicion. All I had to do was to get Azmia to that point. Once there, they’d get her to her father.

As we drove through a completely deserted road, I kept my eyes on the men in front of me. I was well aware that both of them had handguns attached to their waists. We had been driving for nearly half an hour, and I knew the nearest sign of any civilization was probably another hour away.

The men were talking amongst themselves and would occasionally say a couple of things to me. They were mostly making jokes about my time with my new girl. I humored them and laughed at their silly jokes. But when I heard a sudden pop from the side of the Jeep, I had a sinking feeling that we had a flat tire.

“What happened?” I asked.

The driver got out and answered to his boss in Urdu. “Flat tire, Sahib.”

I showed my irritation. “I don’t have all day. I need to get to my destination while it’s still daylight.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” the leader said to me in English. “The rest of my men are not far behind us. We’ll use one of those Jeeps to get you to the airport.” He grabbed the radio and spoke in Urdu to explain the situation. He then turned toward me again and said, “See, they’ll be here in twenty minutes.”

The driver entered his seat again while we all waited. My senses were so focused on the men that I didn’t notice when Azmia suddenly lunged toward me. Caught off-guard, she was instantly on top of me, punching and scratching.

Before I could take control of the situation, the leader jumped out of the Jeep and pulled her off me. Snatching her hijab off, he grabbed her hair and dragged her out of the vehicle. I leaped out as well, trying to calm everybody down. The driver had remained in the Jeep, waiting on the leader to handle the girl.

“I told you to learn your manners! He’s your master now!” The man screamed at Azmia in Urdu while shaking her like a rag doll. He pulled his gun out and held it to her face.

“Stop!” I ordered. “I can handle her. She’s mine now.”

“She has to be taught a lesson for her behavior,” the man replied back to me, shoving her to the ground.

Azmia landed hard, but only a soft whimper escaped her lips.

“I said, I’m her master now. She’s mine! I’ll handle her!” I kept my voice stern.

The man turned to me, taking in heavy breaths as if to calm himself down. “Fine! But I warn you, girls like this one must be controlled.” He then bent down to pull her up to a standing position. To my horror, he punched her on the side of her face.

As Azmia toppled down again, I could no longer hold back my fury. I dove forward, tackling him down. The impact caused him to drop his gun, and I took the opportunity to grab him in a chokehold. When I saw the driver stepping out of the Jeep, instincts took over. Without hesitating, I snapped the lead guy’s neck, and he lay limp in my arms.

I knew I had to act quickly as the driver ran toward us with the gun pointed at me. Everything happened all at once. The gunshot echoed into the deathly silence of the isolated road. The driver went down, and I realized Azmia had just shot him. She was standing still with the leader’s gun in her hand, her eyes wide with shock.

I stood up slowly, stepping toward her. When she pointed the gun at me, I raised my arms up, showing her I was harmless.

“It’s okay,” I said in English. “Do you understand English at all?”

She remained quiet, but continued pointing the gun at me.

“I’m here to help you.” I then spoke in my broken Urdu while I kept taking small steps toward her. “Your father sent me.”

A look of confusion crossed her face, and I took the opportunity to grab her wrist and snatch the gun out of her hand.

“It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” I placed the gun on the waist of my pants and continued, “We have to go. The rest of the men will be here in no time.”

When I saw her trying to weigh her options, I moved quickly. I grabbed the driver’s gun and checked the back of the Jeep. Seeing the backpack, I breathed a sigh of relief when I noted the content in there. It had some water bottles, first aid kit, a knife, a military blanket, and some military rations.

“Bingo,” I whispered to myself. Placing my arms through the backpack, I turned to her. “Let’s go! We have to get out of here before the rest of them arrive. We have to go through the woods where they can’t follow us with their Jeeps.”

I was speaking in English because there simply was no time for me to try to figure out how to translate everything into Urdu.

“I killed a man,” she stated in Urdu, staring at the dead body.

“It’s okay. We must go.” There was no way I could deal with her mental state at the moment. I grabbed her arm and began running toward the tree lines.

Although Azmia still seemed to be in a state of shock, she ran alongside me. I held onto her arm to help set her pace. We needed to get as much distance as possible before the rest of them found their men dead.


Okay, folks. That’s all for now. I would love for you to read the rest. The story is really heartfelt and brings to light many real problems such as human trafficking, PTSD, cultural differences… Here’s the link: Amazon

9 Unforgettable Books About People Who Refuse To Be Defined by Disabilities


Something great happened! I just got an email from Ezvid Wiki.

“Ezvid Wiki was the world’s first video wiki, and is now among the top 3,000 websites in the United States. Our YouTube channel has over 425,000 subscribers, 250 million views since founding, and we have informed over $200 million in purchasing decisions to date.” Sounds pretty impressive, right?

They explained, “We’re writing to let you know that you have been included in our recently published wiki: Unforgettable Books About People Who Refuse To Be Defined By Disabilities.”

My curiosity rose, and I looked them up. Of course, I became even more impressed. Guess what? They thought my book, My Perfect Imperfections, was pretty awesome. They placed it in their list of 9 Unforgettable Books About People Who Refuse to Be Defined By Disabilities. Please see the link that has these wonderful books listed. They even made a video about it! LINK

To say I am honored, is an understatement. To be ranked with some very talented authors with such amazing stories…well, I am speechless. Thank you, Ezvid Wiki, for recognizing this beautiful love story of a young girl with cerebral palsy who faced horrific events throughout her life. But, each time she fell, she got back up. She did not let her disability define who she truly was.

If you haven’t read this story, I really think you should give it a try. Honestly, it will completely open your eyes to so many stereotypes. And, you’ll fall in love with the characters…I promise. Amazon My Perfect Imperfections. 

Until next time, good peeps!

Keep reading, keep dreaming, keep going. Love to all!

Highly Anticipated Release!

MBTU cover eBook

Man Behind The Uniform

Preorder for only 99cents: Here

Man, I can’t believe how long it took me to finish this sequel to Girl Behind The Veil. I want to apologize to all who have read Girl Behind The Veil because I’ve left you guys hanging for almost two years. I know it was a cliff hanger ending…

The good news? Man Behind The Uniform is being released on May 30th. You can preorder now! This story will absolutely blow you away. It touches on some tough topics like PTSD, abuse, cultural diversity, life of a soldier, and human trafficking. But most of all, it’s about courage and perseverance. It’s about embracing our differences and accepting one another for our individuality. The story is full of action, passion, betrayal, and love. I promise you, it’s a heart wrenching story, but it will have you rooting for the characters all the way till the end. Here’s a little blurb:

Two worlds
Two lives
Two hearts…
Beat as one

Death would be a gift.
It was a wonder he was still alive.
It would be so easy to let go.
To stop the unbearable pain…
To finally be at peace…
Yes, he would welcome death with open arms.

But, he had a promise to keep.
He had promised her he’d find her.
And so his stubborn heart kept beating.

As Kaden Reid’s world came crashing down, the soldier,
who was once a hero, was left a broken man.
Only one person had the power to help him fight his inner demons.
But, would love be enough to light a path out of the darkness?

Here are some teasers:

mbtu teaser1

MBTU teaser 4

mbtu teaser2

MBTU teaser3

Note: This is a sequel, so must read Girl Behind the Veil first.

Order: Girl Behind The Veil

Preorder: Man Behind The Veil

As always, thank you for your ongoing support!

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Gosh, can’t believe 2018 is over! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Honestly, 2018 has been a blur for me. Feels like I’ve been running around like a mad woman.

What am I working on right now? Well, it seems like I’ve been working on the edits for Man Behind The Uniform forever. I just can’t seem to find the time to really sit down and get it done.

blog editing

Honestly, I’ll have to perhaps make a schedule to work on it after work in the evenings. It’s such a great story! I know many of the readers have been waiting anxiously for this release since Girl Behind The Veil was a crazy ending! I promise, I’m going to figure out how to get this done. The goal is to release it by April the latest!

Speaking of Girl Behind The Veil, it won the Gold Medal from Readers’ Favorite in Fiction Cultural category and also another Gold Medal from Florida Association for Publishers and Authors. I was lucky enough to attend the award ceremony in Miami to retrieve my gold medal. I met some very talented authors, and wow! What a privilege to be ranked amongst some of the top authors from all over the world. Here are some pictures:

blog award1

blog award2

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Oh and in other great news… I was a guest on this amazing podcast called, The Things She Does! It was a new experience for me, but I think it turned out really great! Gosh, the interview was so in depth. Shout out to the host, Nickie Snyder, for having me and empowering/inspiring women all over the world. We talked about so many things, ranging from my books, being a physical therapist, being an immigrant, raising children, being a military wife, and life in general. How do we try to balance it all? What are some ways we can pursue our dreams? Would love for you to listen to this podcast. Like I said, the interview turned out great.

blog podcast

Here’s the link:

So what are the goals for 2019? Gosh, who knows what tomorrow will bring? But, I’ll do my best to control what I can. Goals:

  1. Publish Man Behind The Uniform
  2. Drink more water
  3. Continue to go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
  4. Spend quality time with my family
  5. Do some sort of PR for the books at least once a week.

What about you? What would you like to focus on in 2019? Remember, if you want to make changes in your life, there is no such thing as the “right” time. Start now!

As always, thank you all for your ongoing support. Here’s to an amazing 2019! Love you all. Remember, books can be found here: Amazon


Jalpa’s Ramblings: Do You!


Okay, I think it’s really important for all of us to do some soul searching. So many times, we get busy in our daily life and go through the same old routine without even thinking about it. We wake up, get ready, go to work, raise our children, make sure hubby is okay, clean the house, provide food, help the kids with their homework, check on elderly parents, take care of the pets… the list in endless. By the time you’re done with this, it’s already 11 o’clock at night.

I remember there was a time in my life when I had three jobs (had to pay off the school loans), needed to make ends meet, and the kids were still just babies. I don’t even think I had time to take a long shower simply to treat myself. Literally, my life was constantly on the run. I didn’t even have time to figure out what I could change about my life. It was just the way it was.

Through the years, I have gone a bit wiser (I think). I realized I had to have some “me time.” I have to do me! It’s so so important…for your own sanity. Trust me, I forced myself to take some time out for me. It could be half an hour walk or read a little before going to bed or watch a favorite TV show, etc. These days, though, I make an effort to do things I’ve always wanted to do. Life is short. And if not now, then when?

Although I am still working full time as a physical therapist, I have decided to pursue other dreams as well. For the past five years, I’ve been writing and actually published eight books (ninth on the way). Frankly, I’m pretty damn proud of myself about this. Was it easy? Certainly not! But I’ve always loved writing, and it’s actually very therapeutic for me. Also, most of my books have some type of message, and if I can make a difference in some of my readers’ lives, well, then I’ve accomplished my goal.

Traveling also is very important to me. I want to visit all over. I’m a huge nature lover, so my husband and I have picked up hiking. It’s a great way to exercise, stay fit, and it’s actually quite calming. I highly recommend this. Also, I love learning about different cultures around the world. Hence, traveling becomes very educational.

Exercising/fitness is important to me as well. For so many years, I’ve neglected this. Trying to raise kids and running around…well, there simply wasn’t any time. Plus, I would be exhausted if I ever got a moment to spare. But two of my kids are away at college now, so really, only my baby (the 13 year old) is home these days. This actually gives me more time. I’m determined to find time throughout the week to squeeze in some exercise. Honestly, as we age, staying healthy is imperative.

Why am I rambling on and on about all this? I just think we all fall into that “trap.” You know, the trap of the routine, daily life, and we forget about someone very important: ourselves. I think we need to look within ourselves and see what will make us happy. What is our passion? Please don’t neglect this. It’s never too late to do what you love. You don’t want to be that person twenty/thirty years down the road and be full of regrets. Don’t wait for tomorrow to hope things will get better. Make today be the day that will make you smile.

You do you!


Girl Behind The Veil Wins TWO Gold Medals!!


I am so so excited to share that Girl Behind The Veil won not one, but two gold medals!

FAPA (Florida Authors & Publishers Association) President’s Book Awards announced the winners recently. In their Romance Suspense category, Girl Behind The Veil took gold! I was completely surprised because I know it’s a tough competition, especially in that category. Additionally, the judges are industry professionals, publishers, and librarians. So, for them to read the story, and then award it the gold medal, is truly a humbling experience. Thank you, thank you!

This weekend, Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards just released their winners. I am honored that this heartfelt story won in Fiction Cultural category. Again, I wasn’t expecting to get first place. When I saw the list, I was shocked and had to refresh the page to make sure I saw it correctly.

Honestly, as authors, we put our heart and soul into our stories. We create these beautiful characters, and we cry with them, feel their pain, joy, fear, and triumph. Our books are our babies, and to be recognized for all the sweat and tears that was put into the writing…well, honestly, I am beyond grateful.

Girl Behind The Veil is especially emotional to me because the main character (Salena) is a victim of human trafficking. I wanted to write about this important topic because we need to do so much more with this worldwide problem. I hope with this story, it not only raises awareness, but inspires people to do something about such a horrific tragedy.

I also bring up cultural diversities, stereotypes, and acceptance. Many times, family and society say one thing, but the heart says the opposite. I can completely relate to this since I was raised in United States, but my parents are from India. It’s actually quite common to feel like you’re living two different lives (one consisting of traditional values and the other consisting of more modern, western values).

In each story I write, I leave a piece of me behind. If you haven’t read Girl Behind The Veil yet, I’d love for you to check it out. I promise it’s a story that will stay with you forever. Here’s the link: Amazon

I am proud of the recognition the rest of my books have received. Yay! Go me!

As always, thank you for your support! Have a great week!

All Book awards

Broken (Chap 11) from Loving You Hurts So Good


Loving You cover website

Broken teaser2

Broken teaser1

Here is the conclusion of Broken. Please be sure to read Chap 1-10 first. Links are below: 

Chapter 1 & 2: Link   

Chapter 3: Link

Chapter 4: Link

Chapter 5: Link

Chapter 6 & 7: Link

Chapter 8 & 9: Link

Chapter 10: Link


Chapter Eleven

Sage sat on the outdoor swing at her home with People magazine in her hands. She couldn’t seem to look away from the picture of Jed on the front cover. It was a picture of him playing the piano, seeming to be lost in his music. She must have read the featured article about him at least a hundred times already, word for word. Titled, “Jed Dalton Rises Again,” it detailed his life since the accident and how his music saved him.

She sighed, closing her eyes. He still looked as beautiful as ever. It had been a year since she had last seen him. Jed had left the very next day after he’d found out about Tim. She had tried to plead with him again, but he told her he wanted nothing to do with her.

She couldn’t blame him, though. Wanting to control every situation, she once again had disregarded his feelings.

Jed had done well for himself during the year. He had released a brand new album called Broken, which was an instant best seller. She wasn’t surprised by the success. Not only was Jed a talented musician, but every single song from the album was intense and heartfelt. Now, touring around the country, Sage couldn’t help but be proud of him. Seeing him happy and doing what he loved the most filled her with joy.

It didn’t mean she didn’t miss him, though. Sage missed him every minute of the day and night. She had decided to move back to her hometown, unable to walk away from the memories. If that were all she had, then she’d hold onto them with all her might.

Opening her own practice in town, Sage stayed busy at work. Although she still stalked him on the Internet, she knew she had lost Jed forever.

Seeing Trina’s car pull up her driveway surprised her. What was she doing here on a weeknight?

“Hey, Sage!” Trina waved as she climbed out.

“Hey! You never come over on a weeknight. What’s up?” Sage asked, giving her a hug when Trina reached her.

“Well, so you know Jed is on a tour, right?”

Sage nodded, afraid to find out where Trina was going with this.

“He’s ending his tour in Dallas this weekend. Did you know that?” Trina asked.

Sage shrugged her shoulders. Of course, she knew that. She knew exactly which city Jed was performing on which date.

“Anyway, he had sent me two tickets to his show, saying he really wanted me to come. Of course, they’re VIP tickets. I’m going, but I want you to come with me.” Trina’s eyes danced with excitement.

“No, I can’t, Trina. I’m sure he wouldn’t want me to come,” Sage mumbled.

“Oh, whatever! He sent me two tickets, so I can bring whoever I want. Why wouldn’t I want my best friend to go with me? Come on, Sage. You have to go. It’ll be so fun. And I know you’d like to see Jed again. Don’t even try to deny it.” Trina put her hand on her hip, ready to take on the battle.

Sage had to admit, she would love to go see him. The mere thought of watching him perform live gave her goose bumps. Maybe he didn’t have to know she was there. Maybe she could slip out as soon as the concert was over.

Without giving herself time to change her mind, she quickly answered, “Okay, I’ll go. But on one condition. I don’t want you to tell Jed I’m coming with you. I honestly don’t think he would be happy with that, and I don’t want to ruin his mood while he’s performing.”

Trina rolled her eyes before answering. “Fine, I won’t say anything.”


A limo picked them up Saturday evening from Trina’s apartment, courtesy of Jed. He wanted to make sure his sister was well taken care of.

As they got closer to Gexa Energy Pavilion, Sage’s anxiety built. A part of her couldn’t wait to see him, but the other part was petrified of how she’d be able to hold herself together once she did see him.

Sage put up a brave front, though, and followed the security who escorted them to their front row seats. After the opening act was done, the crowd went crazy, waiting for Jed. With her heart pounding out of her chest, she was consumed by the energy around her. She was not at all surprised that the show was completely sold out.

The stage went completely dark and began filling with smoke. Suddenly, through the fog, a lonely wheelchair rolled forward. The audience were screaming for Jed as his silhouette filled the stage.

When Sage was able to see him completely, everything started spinning. Unprepared of her reaction, she had to lower herself down to her seat. Jed looked breathtaking as he dominated on that stage. It didn’t matter that he was in his wheelchair. He was confident, mesmerizing, and incredibly gorgeous.

Jed took his place behind the piano and started to sing. The crowd shouted even louder, some even crying when they heard his voice. But, he didn’t hear them. Jed was in his own world as he lost himself in his lyrics.

Sage’s entire being reacted to his singing, and her body trembled. Jed controlled every single fan that night as he pulled them into his spell.

The night came to an end much too quickly. But, before he left the stage, he grabbed his guitar. The crowd fell silent, as Jed demanded attention. “I have one last song for you guys. It’s called Broken.”

The crowd went wild.

Jed smiled and signaled his fans to quiet down. “It’s for a very special person who had stolen my heart when we were kids. The thing is, she never gave it back. This one is for you, Sage.”

Some say I was broken,

Maybe I was,

But how is it that a broken man feels whole?

‘Cuz baby, only you possess my soul.


Yes, I’ve been a fool,

Too proud to understand.

Maybe I’m just crazy

Crazy in love with you.


Broken, Broken

Will never let you go

Broken, Broken

Only you can possibly know

Broken, Broken

No, nothing can hold me down

Broken, Broken

Not when my baby is around


Silent tears slipped down Sage’s face as Jed looked straight at her while he sang. She felt Trina squeezing her hand, but Sage’s gaze remained fixed on the love of her life.

When the song ended, Jed put his guitar down. While the crowd screamed for him, he pushed himself up to standing. Sage almost fainted at the sight of him standing so tall on stage. Somebody from his crew ran to him and handed him crutches. Jed then took steps with his crutches on the stage until he came to the edge. All Sage could do was stand there with her hands covering her mouth, shocked to see Jed actually walking.

The pavilion exploded to see him up on his feet and moving around. There wasn’t a dry eye in there. Before long, Jed was rushed off of stage, and the security grabbed Trina and Sage to take them backstage.

Sage remained in a haze, as everything was happening fast around her. It was as if she was in a dream, floating toward something beautiful. To Jed.

When they were brought to a room, Jed was already waiting there, standing with a cane.

Trina squealed in delight and ran into his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me you could walk?” she cried.

“I wanted to surprise you.” Jed wiped her tears and kissed her cheek.

“Jed, oh my gosh! You have to come home. You have to show Mom and Dad,” Trina continued to stare at her brother, astonished at his strong will.

Jed looked over Trina’s head and caught Sage’s eyes. She was frozen on the spot, shocked at seeing him up with only a cane for support.

“Your brother is a stubborn guy. Of course he was going to beat the odds and walk again.” Nick strolled in, his eyes dancing. “You killed it out there, man. The crowd is still screaming for you.”

Jed didn’t respond but continued to stare at Sage.

Clearing his throat, Nick said, “Come on, Trina, let’s leave these two alone.”

Neither Sage nor Jed noticed them leaving the room and closing the door. Finally, Jed said, “You came.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Come here.”

As if in a trance, Sage reached him. He pulled her in his arms and brought his lips down, incapable of holding back. His passion rose as Sage’s body molded to his, and she deepened the kiss. Unable to control his breathing, he lowered himself down to his chair, pulling her down onto his lap.

Sage clung on with dear life, afraid to let him go…afraid to lose him again. Interlocking her fingers to the back of his hair, she brought his face into the nape of her neck, trying to fight the tears.

“This year…” she started.

“I had to leave, Sage. I had to find myself. Do you understand?” He looked up at her and cradled her face with his hands. “I had to find me again.”

Sage nodded, her eyes moist with unshed tears.

“I needed to believe in myself again. I knew that would be the only way I could finally love you with my whole being.” Jed pulled her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ears.

“And you’re walking.” Sage’s voice trembled.

“I can even take a few steps with my cane. I’m diligent with my workouts. I have all my sensations back now, so I know it’s just a matter of time before I won’t even need the cane.”

Sage buried her face in his hair, unable to stop the tears.

“Hey! None of that now! You’re my badass girl, remember? Tough love and all that?” Jed teased.

She looked up at him and tenderly kissed his lips with all the love she possessed for him. “Now what?” she asked, caressing his cheek.

“Hmm, I’ve been having this same dream every night. This crazy girl keeps showing up in it.”


“Yeah, some girl with long dark hair and light brown eyes. I kid you not, she follows me everywhere.”

“Huh, strange dream.” Sage smiled.

“Sure is. Finally, I accepted that she had no plans on leaving me alone.”

“So what did you do?”

“I married her and had lots of kids with her.” Jed laughed. “And, that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing. Hope you’re ready for feisty, brown-haired girls running around.”

Elated, Sage closed her eyes, cherishing this moment in time. “Or stubborn, blond haired boys,” she whispered.


“When Life pushes you down, show that bitch you can get back up again.”–Flavia Weedn

The End


Hope you all enjoyed Broken. As a physical therapist, I’ve had many patients with spinal cord injuries. This story is dedicated to these courageous people! Thank you for showing me what perseverance truly means. 

There’s a part of my heart and soul in every story I write. All of my books can be found on Amazon (and they’re all free on Kindle Unlimited). LINK

As always, thank you for your support!

Broken (Chap 10) from Loving You Hurts So Good

Broken teaser1

Jed and Sage’s story continues in Broken. Things are not going well with these two…so much pain, so much anger.

Here is Chapter 10. Please be sure to read Chap 1-9 first. Links are below: 

Chapter 1 & 2: Link   

Chapter 3: Link

Chapter 4: Link

Chapter 5: Link

Chapter 6 & 7: Link

Chapter 8 & 9: Link

Chapter Ten

That weekend, both headed to Dallas to meet with Dr. Tim Johnson. They were having lunch with him at the hotel restaurant. Jed was looking forward to meeting him, hoping the doctor could provide some insight. He had already made significant gains and was even able to take some steps in the underwater treadmill with assistance.

When they reached the hotel, Sage led them to a corner table.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Dr. Johnson pulled Sage into his arms and kissed her cheek.

Jed took an instant dislike to the man. He was a young doctor, probably in his thirties. With nicely groomed dark hair and blue eyes, the guy looked more like a model than a physician.

“Hey, Tim. This is Jed. I’ve told you about him,” Sage said, slipping out of his arms.

“Hello, Jed. Nice to meet you.” He shook Jed’s hand and sat back down once Sage took her seat.

“Likewise,” Jed mumbled, already in a bad mood.

While eating lunch, Sage filled the doctor in on Jed’s diagnosis and his progress. She also told him how quickly he’s making gains.

“The fact that you have an incomplete spinal cord injury and your body continues to show improvement are all good signs. If you keep improving at this rate, who knows? The key is repetitive movement. Studies show that repetition of the same movement patterns—let’s say walking—helps to retrain your muscles.”

Jed nodded politely, but all he really wanted to do was to get out of there.

“And as far as your bowel and bladder program, I’m happy to hear it’s going well for you. With your sensations returning as fast as they are, you may be able to reach your prior level of function.”

“That’s great to hear,” Sage exclaimed, smiling at Jed.

Jed threw her a tight grin and quickly finished his meal.

“I’m going to go use the ladies’ room,” Sage announced after she completed her plate.

Once she was gone, Tim Johnson abruptly pushed his chair back and announced, “I’ve got to use the bathroom as well. Be right back.”

Jed did not like the feeling of unease that had lingered with him during the entire meal. Unable to resist, he decided to head toward the bathrooms as well. When he reached the hallway, he could hear Sage and Tim’s voices. He couldn’t see them because he hadn’t turned the corner yet, but he could clearly make out their conversation.

“Baby, I’ve missed you so much,” Tim said.

“Tim, please, don’t.” Sage sounded distraught.

“I just don’t understand anything. Are you coming back to Boston? It’s been too long.”

“No, I told you, I have to stay here. I’m going to help Jed as long as it takes.”

“He seems to be doing fine. I’m sure he has plenty of money; he can hire help. What does he need you for?”

“Tim, please stop asking me the same questions.”

“Who is he anyway? Why do you feel obligated to help him?”

“He is a good friend. We grew up together. I already told you all this. Of course, I’m going to help him.”

“Sage, I know you always like to help people, but you know he’s not one of your patients, right? You can’t blame me for wanting my fiancé back. I miss you and want you back home—where you belong.”

Jed’s heart stopped beating. Had he heard that right? As if needing to torture himself some more, Jed scooted forward to get a visual of what was happening. While Sage was leaning with her back against the wall, Tim was very close to her. Jed saw him reach and caress her face. When Tim leaned forward for a kiss, pain like no other pierced his heart, and he couldn’t watch any longer.

Swiftly turning his wheelchair, he hustled back to the table. He didn’t want to wait here anymore, but he was stuck. With his pride at stake, Jed decided he quickly needed to take control and calm himself down. He didn’t want them to know he had witnessed their interaction, and he certainly didn’t want Sage to see his pain.

Taking deep breaths, he willed his heart to slow down. He chugged his whisky, desperately needing something to help him get through this. What a fool he had been. He broke his number one rule by letting his guard down and trusting her. Why would he possibly think she would want somebody like him anyway? She didn’t even want him when he was whole…when he could satisfy her every need…when he wasn’t a burden to her. And now? He had nothing to offer her. Could he even blame her?

He watched the two of them walking back to the table together. He wasn’t surprised to see Sage’s blushed face, and how she was avoiding eye contact with him.

“You ready to leave, Jed?” she asked, grabbing her purse.

Without answering, he wheeled himself out of the restaurant and into the parking lot. Both were silent in the car until Sage asked, “Is everything okay?”

“How do you know Tim?” Jed asked, his voice dangerously soft.

“Oh, he’s just a friend,” she replied, almost too quickly.

He always knew what a terrible liar she was. “Okay.”

“Why?” she asked, glancing toward him while driving.

“Just wondering.” Jed turned away to stare out of the window. Lost in his thoughts, he remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

Once they reached the cabin, he went straight to the bathroom. He splashed cold water to his face, hoping it would help the agonizing ache in his heart.

When he returned to his bedroom, Sage was waiting for him. “I know something is bothering you. What’s up?”

Jed clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. “I’ve decided to leave for LA as soon as possible. I’ll be contacting my agent, Nick, to get it all set for me.”

“Why are you leaving? I thought you liked your therapists here.”

“I can get therapy there as well. I have a home there, and I need to get my life in order.” Jed kept his voice indifferent, not wanting her to see how much he was hurting.

“I don’t understand,” Sage whispered, confused.

“There’s nothing to understand, really. You have your life to live, and I have mine. I need to go back to it. Can’t hang around here forever.”

“What’s this about? I know you, Jed. I know you’re upset about something.”

Jed tried to wheel away from her, unable to look at her. But, Sage dashed in front of him and halted his progress.

“Get out of my way, Sage.”

“No! Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

Losing his temper, Jed yelled, “Fine! You wanna know? You’re nothing but a liar. All this time, you’ve been lying to me. You think I’m that stupid? And I specifically asked you about Tim. I gave you the opportunity to come clean, but you continued to lie.”

Sage blinked a few times, shocked at hearing his words. “I…what?”

“Yeah, you got nothing to say now? I saw you guys, Sage. I know he’s your fiancé.”

“No! He’s not, I swear. I broke up with him. We were engaged, yes, I admit. But as soon as I saw you with Trina that first day, I flew back to Boston the very next day and broke it off with him.”

“Yet, you lied to me. You’ve been lying. And when I just asked, you said he was only your friend. Why?”

“Fine, I should have told you right from the start. I just didn’t know what to say. I took the easy way out by not saying anything. I didn’t want that to stop you from seeing him to get a second opinion. I’m sorry, Jed, but I swear, I’m not with him.”

“Why aren’t you with him?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Tears tumbled down her cheeks, but Jed had hardened his heart by then. “I’m in love with you, Jed. I’ve never stopped loving you. I realized that as soon as I saw you again. You have to believe me.”

“You’re in love with me? Really? Yet, when Tim asked you who I was to you, you told him I was just a friend. Why wouldn’t you tell him straight up that you’re in love with me?” I paused, trying to catch my breath. “You know, I’d rather be with somebody like Bonnie. At least I know exactly what I’m getting with her.”

A look of pain flashed before Sage’s eyes. “I…Jed, please.” Her voice trembled as she hid her face in her hands.

“Leave my room now. I don’t want you near me.”

Ahh, Jed and Sage…sigh. Chapter 11 (the conclusion) coming soon. Thank you, amazing readers, for your support. All of my books and stories can be found on Amazon (and they’re all free on Kindle Unlimited). LINK