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Fate’s Roar (Prologue)

On Feb 16th, my seventh novel, Fate’s Roar, will be released! Yikes!

Special introductory price of only 99cents on Kindle. (Limited time)



Here’s the prologue:

They were in that burning house. He could feel it. As he dove down, hoping he wasn’t too late, Shane felt the hot, crackling wind, accompanied by thick, black smoke, whipping around him. The flames rose high, daring him to come closer, hissing and roaring.

He had no time to worry about the raging inferno. Without a second thought, he crashed through the roof of the house and plunged downward to where his brother’s ring was calling out to him. Shane wasn’t worried about his flesh being burned because he knew he would heal quickly. On the other hand, Damien and Kelsey were mere humans. All he could do was pray they were still alive.

Shane allowed his senses to take over, and within seconds, he was standing next to both of their bodies. Snatching them up in his arms, he flew out of the burning house, making sure to cover them with his own body in order to protect them from the flames. As soon as he had them a safe distance away from the blazing building that was on the verge of collapsing, he placed them down on the ground.

“Damien! Come on, open your eyes!” Shane was desperate as he shook him. He wouldn’t allow his brother to die like this.

Shane could hear Damien and Kelsey’s heartbeats, but just barely. If only Damien hadn’t decided to become a human, he would already be healed. Pushing the thought away, Shane forced himself to focus on the current situation. He had to get Damien and Kelsey help before it was too late.

When he heard voices not too far away, Shane leapt back up to his feet. Carrying Damien and Kelsey in his arms, he sprinted toward the sound. Within seconds, he was standing behind tall bushes, watching a woman and a young girl next to her.

“Mom, I’m worried about Aunt Kelsey.” The young girl stared at the fire, looking terrified at the sight.

“It’s okay, Samantha. Help is on its way. Besides, Damien is with her, so I’m sure they got out,” the mother said, trying to reassure her daughter.

“How could they have? Look at the fire, Mom! Damien was shot, remember?” The girl was pulling on her mom’s shirt, trying to hold back her panic.

Shane cringed when he heard that Damien was shot. He had smelled blood, but wasn’t sure what the injury was from. He was at least glad he saw a man’s dead body in the woods as he was approaching the house. He presumed that body must belong to the lunatic serial killer that had been after Kelsey. Realizing he couldn’t afford to waste another second, he shifted into his human form. While still holding Damien and Kelsey in his arms, he approached the woman and her daughter.

As soon as the woman saw him, she instantly pointed her gun at Shane. “Stop where you are. I’ll shoot.”

“It’s okay. I’m not here to hurt you. I’m Damien’s brother. Kelsey and Damien need your help.” Shane placed their bodies down so the woman could get a closer look.

“It’s Kelsey!” the young girl exclaimed, and she began to run toward them.

Her mother grabbed her from behind and held her back. “Stop, Samantha! We don’t know this person!”

“Please, they need help,” Shane begged as he kneeled next to his brother. What if this woman refused to help? Should he take Damien and Kelsey to the nearest hospital? Shane knew there wasn’t enough time for that, though. They were barely hanging on. He should just grab the woman and make her help.

“Help is on its way. Don’t move!” the woman commanded, the gun still pointing at Shane. “There’s a crazy killer on the loose.”

“You don’t need to worry about him anymore. He’s dead. I saw his body with my own eyes,” Shane assured her. “I can’t stay here. You need to help Damien and Kelsey. They’re barely breathing.” Shane was just about to use his powers to force the woman to cooperate, but he noticed she lowered the gun and walked toward him, still holding her daughter’s hand.

As soon as she approached them, the woman collapsed next to Kelsey. “Dear God,” she whispered. “It’s the smoke inhalation.” Immediately, she started CPR on Kelsey.

Following her lead, Shane began to do the same with Damien. When he felt the young girl standing close to him, he glanced up at her. Wide, amber eyes with tiny gold specks stared back at him in awe. For a split second, he was lost. In that instant, time had stopped, and he had to fight hard to maintain his focus. What was it about this innocent girl who was watching him so intently?

Knowing he had to ensure that the mother and the daughter forgot about him, he used his powers to get into the young girl’s head. He decided that soon as he was done with her, he’d do the same with her mother. Since she was busy with Kelsey, the mother didn’t notice Shane whisper to the girl. “You will not remember seeing me. All you know is somehow Damien and Kelsey were able to get out. When I count to three, you will close your eyes. One, two, three.”

The young girl did not close her eyes. Instead, she watched him curiously. “Are you a superhero?” she whispered.

Shane shook his head in shock. His powers hadn’t worked on her. How could that be? It was impossible! He tried it again, but the girl continued to resist his powers. He could even feel some type of a barrier in her mind—a barrier he couldn’t break.

“Why are you naked?” she asked out loud.

“Samantha!” her mother scolded as she continued desperately with CPR.

Shane had completely forgotten about his appearance. When he had shifted into a human, he didn’t have any clothes he could put on. It was the least of his priorities given the circumstances.

“I’m sorry, but I must go,” Shane said to the mother. “I believe your help is almost here. At least Kelsey and Damien are breathing a bit stronger now. I would appreciate it if you don’t mention me to the authorities. Please just tell them they were able to get out from the burning house, but soon passed out.” Shane’s acute sense of hearing could already hear the emergency sirens in the distance.

The mother stood back up and blinked several times, as if trying to decide. The young girl stepped closer to him and said, “Thank you for saving Aunt Kelsey. We will keep your secret. Right, Mom?” She looked up at her mother, waiting for her to agree.

Shane contemplated whether he should use his powers on the mother to make her forget seeing him. He quickly changed his mind, though, not wanting the burden of keeping his secret to solely fall on the young girl.

He took a step closer to the mother and daughter team. “My name is Shane. I’m Damien’s younger brother. Please take care of my brother and Kelsey. I will come to the hospital as soon as I possibly can.”

The mother nodded. “I’m Sofia, and this is my daughter, Samantha.” Sofia still seemed hesitant, but relieved that Damien and Kelsey were out of the fire.

“Aunt Kelsey calls me Sammy. You can call me Sammy, too,” the young girl softly chimed in.

Shane’s attention fell on her once again. He threw her a slight smile and said, “Thank you for being so brave, little Sammy. And thank you for keeping my secret.” When the sirens were becoming louder, he turned back to the mother. “I must go.”

Without another word, Shane turned and disappeared into the night. All the while, he could feel the young girl’s haunting eyes boring into him.

Check out the dream cast:


Fate’s Roar: Cover Reveal and Official Trailer!

Fate’s Roar is ready for preorder for a special introductory price of only 99cents! Limited time only!


Don’t miss out! This story is hot, full of suspense, and definitely a thrilling ride! I promise you, it will have you biting your nails. A part of you will hate Shane, but the other part will absolutely adore him. Are you ready for the cover?


Shane is probably one of the most intense characters I’ve ever written about. He’s selfish, yet he’d die protecting the ones he loves. He’s fierce and ruthless, yet just as sensitive and loving.


Are you ready for the trailer? Here’s the link:

Fate’s Cry (Prologue)

In seven more days, Fate’s Cry will be released! Yikes! So excited (and nervous). To celebrate, I’d like to share the prologue. Remember, it’s for $0.99 for a very limited time. Soon after the release, the price will go back up, so preorder now.'s Cry 3D



Applying the dark, red lipstick one more time, Kelsey Taylor was pleased at her reflection. She couldn’t wait to get out of there and party with her friends. Maybe “friends” was too strong of a word, but they knew how to have a good time. The Halloween parties were a blast; somebody was always good for bringing the right drugs there. She’d been dying for a fix for the last couple of days.

“You’re going to wear that, Kelsey?” Ryan asked when he walked into the bathroom. “I can see your butt.”

Kelsey rolled her eyes, turning around to see her backside in the mirror. She was wearing a tight, black, cat costume. Yes, it was a little skimpy, but it was sexy. There would be some hotties there tonight. She’d learned very quickly the sexier she looked, the more the guys would hook her up with some free stuff the entire night.

“Shut up, Ryan. You’re too young to understand anything.” She pulled her eyeliner out of her purse again to make sure she was satisfied with her “cat eyes.”

“Why do you always have to go out? Can’t you just stay home tonight?” Ryan begged her with his wide, green eyes.

“Okay, you need to stop talking to me. I’m trying to hurry up and get out of here. I don’t wanna be late.”

“Please, Kelsey,” Ryan said. “You never play with us anymore. We’ll have fun.” He was seven years old, full of life and mischief.

Tori, her eleven-year-old sister, walked into the bathroom and chimed in. “Yeah, Kelsey. We hardly see you anymore. We used to have so much fun when we hung out together. Can’t you just stay one night?”

Kelsey brushed her reddish-brown hair one more time and frowned down at her siblings. “Sorry, I got plans. I’m not wasting my Friday night playing cards.” She purposefully ignored the disappointed looks in their eyes.

As she was leaving, her mom followed her to the door in her wheelchair. “Kelsey, please don’t go. We really miss you around here. Besides, I could use some more help from you.”

Kelsey shrugged her shoulders and flipped her hair back while she kept walking. “Look, Mom, it’s Halloween. That means there are lots of Halloween parties. I’m sorry you got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I’m sorry your husband died. There’s nothing I can do about it. Just because you’re now confined to your wheelchair, doesn’t mean I have to stop my life. I’m only eighteen years old, and I don’t need this shit. I’ll see you later.”

Those were her last words to her mother before she slammed the apartment door behind her. Sure, since her dad’s passing away from the dreadful cancer about five years ago, her mother had worked hard every single day to help provide for her children. Her multiple sclerosis was progressing quickly, though, so they’d been struggling financially since she could no longer work.

As Kelsey sprinted down the stairs, guilt crept up on her for a brief second. She quickly shook it off. She simply didn’t want to deal with that depressing apartment and needed to just get away from it all to have a good time. After all, she was too young to have all those responsibilities.

Kelsey saw Jake’s car already waiting for her as she reached downstairs. When he roared his engine, she smiled. Yes, she was ready for tonight. She had only known Jake for a few months, but she liked hanging with him because she could always count on him for a good time.

The party was at some guy’s house. She didn’t even know his name, but it didn’t really matter. Normally, the same crowd showed up at the parties, and most of the time, nobody really remembered anything anyway. Everybody just did their thing.

As soon as they entered the house, Kelsey began drinking. Soon, Jake brought her some pot to smoke. Feeling pretty good, she swayed to the beat of the music.

“Hey, kitty kitty.” Some guy came up to her and pinched her butt.

“Hey, yourself,” Kelsey said, losing herself in his ocean, blue eyes. The guy was wearing a vampire costume, and from what she could gather, he made a pretty hot vampire.

“So, has the cat woman ever hooked up with a vampire?” he asked.

“I don’t think so,” she flirted back, pouting her lips. “But, there’s always a first time for everything.”

The vampire laughed and leaned down to kiss her. His tongue immediately found hers, and Kelsey closed her eyes as he pulled her against his body.

“Are you with that guy you came with?” He stopped the kiss and frowned down at her.

“Jake? Nah, we’re just buddies.” By then, she was drunk and high, so Kelsey was having difficulty focusing.

“Cool. You wanna go upstairs with me so I can really show you how to party? I got the good stuff.”

Not the one to refuse the “good stuff,” Kelsey placed her arm around his and followed him upstairs into a bedroom. The rest of the night was a blur. Kelsey only remembered being in her own world and escaping into the abyss.

After the party, Kelsey headed home with some guy. She had no idea if it was the same guy who took her to the bedroom or if it was Jake. Everything was still spinning, but at least she wasn’t passed out somewhere. She was just hoping her mom wouldn’t start with her lectures as soon as she got home.

Somehow, her mind registered the bright lights of the emergency vehicles as they got closer to the apartment building. Still not understanding exactly what was happening around her, Kelsey was in a trance as she watched the flames hissing and spitting wildly.

“Shit! That building is on fire!” The guy driving the car came to a halt. “Wow, that’s badass.”

She blinked a few times, forcing her mind to think. She knew something bad was happening right before her eyes as she exited the vehicle. Like a moth to a flame, she was drawn to the fire as it summoned her. In a daze, she was mesmerized by the violent flames as they hungrily ate through the building.

“Miss! You can’t go there!” Somebody grabbed her, holding her back.

When she saw the fireman yelling at her to get back, her mind snapped into reality. Knowing instantly that her family was in that fire, Kelsey turned and raced toward the building. She couldn’t get too far, though, because another fireman grabbed her.

“Let me go! That’s my home! Where’s my family?” Kelsey pulled, pushed, and shook viciously, trying to get loose.

“Please, let us do our job. We’re doing the best we can to help them.”

“They can’t get out! They’re stuck! Let me go!” She tried to kick him, anything to get to her family. She already knew in her heart that there was no way they could get out on their own. “Mom! I’m here, Mom! Ryan, Tori! Hang on! I’m here!” she screamed.

The flames roared louder, taunting her. She helplessly watched the smoke swirl in long wisps and become its own monstrous entity. As the building was completely swallowed by the angry inferno, Kelsey’s legs collapsed from under her. Sobbing hysterically, she rocked back and forth, hugging her body.

“I’m sorry. I’m here now,” she choked in between her sobs.

In that moment in time, Kelsey’s world ended.

Fate’s Cry


Fate's Cry 3D

I’m so proud to announce that Fate’s Cry is now available for preorder! Special introductory price of only $0.99! This is a limited time offer.

Here’s the back synopsis:


When her entire family perishes in a fire, Kelsey Taylor has nobody to blame but herself. Grief stricken, she finally chooses death over a life full of agony. But, fate intervenes…


A mysterious stranger comes into her life. Although she has somehow found the strength to “live,” all is not as it seems when Kelsey discovers Damien’s deepest secrets. While her mind screams to run, her heart begs her to stay.


To make matters worse, a serial killer is loose, and he’s going after everybody Kelsey has loved. Seeking revenge, Kelsey is determined to hunt him down. But what happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?

Here’s the Amazon link:

Oh, and you may enjoy this trailer! 🙂

As always, thank you so much for your support! Truly, it means the world to me. 🙂

Loving You Hurts So Good Release and Teasers

My newest book comes out is tomorrow, February 11, 2016! Treat yourself to these unique collection of “forget me nots”–just in time for Valentine’s Day. 🙂

front cover

Once in a lifetime…

An unexpected encounter,
A powerful connection,
A love so intense, it hurts.
Forbidden and destined,
Two hearts come together,
Once and forever…

Travel this heartfelt journey as Jalpa Williby unravels the lives of troubled, yet heroic characters in these elegant, touching stories.


Trent is from the “other side of the tracks.” But, he’s Shanna’s knight in shining armor. Can their love survive against all odds?

choices teaser5

Choices teaser1

Choices teaser4


Destined to meet again, Trent and Shanna have to face their demons from the past. Both need their closure…both need to finally let go… But, will they be able to?

chances teaser

chances teaser2

Chances teaser3

Fate’s Cry

Kelsey’s past haunts her. A mysterious stranger crosses her path. But will her be her savior? Or will he ultimately cause her tragic demise?

Fate's Cry teaser1

Fate's Cry teaser2

Best Friends

Best friends from childhood. Through the ups and downs. Through thick and thin. Kat begs Ryan to be her pretend boyfriend as a favor… their friendship is ultimately tested.

Best Friends teaser1

Best Friends Teaser4

Touch of the Untouchables

Zak has only known one way of life: to stay inside the wall. A forbidden excursion goes wrong… An encounter with a dangerous enemy… Will he face the truth? Will he survive?

Touch of the Untouchables teaser1

Touch of the Untouchables teaser2


Jed and Sage were high school sweethearts. But life had other plans for them. Going their separate ways, he became a famous singer. She became a prestigious physician. A tragic accident left him paralyzed and turned his world upside down.

Broken teaser1

Broken teaser2

Dream Cast

dream cast

Watch the trailer here:

Amazon/Kindle purchase link:

As always, thank you for your support and Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Cover Reveal for Loving You Hurts So Good

Once in a lifetime…

An unexpected encounter,

A powerful connection,

A love so intense, it hurts.

Forbidden and destined,

Two hearts come together,

Once and forever…

Travel this heartfelt journey as Jalpa Williby unravels the lives of troubled, yet heroic characters in these elgant, touching stories.

Here’s the cover!

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We have a release date now, folks! Loving You Hurts So Good is set to be released on Feb 11, 2016 (just in time for Valentine’s Day).

You can preorder it now! I promise you, these are not your typical love stories. There’s YA dystopian, thriller, paranormal, contemporary, romantic comedy, and NA. They’re all unique, but with one thing in common…each story will touch your heart.

My Perfect Imperfections Reviews

Reviews are starting to come in from the ARCs of My Perfect Imperfections! I am so excited to see these reviews! Humbled beyond words.

cover 4


I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

As soon as I learned what this book was going to be about, I knew it would amazingly beautiful. Once I got to actually read it… I was blown away. I will just say that I am a very emotional person…but not as a reader. I hardly cry with books. But I bawled my eyes out while reading and finishing this WORK OF ART. This isn’t just a romance, or a story about a girl with Cerebral Palsy. It is a story about hope, true love, real inspiration. It is a story that will open your eyes and your heart. It is one of those stories that helps put everything in perspective, and when you think you life has knocked you down…you get back up and say, I CHOOSE STRENGTH. I will remember this book for years to come, yes it is that beautiful and touching and most definitely real. -Amanda Walker Goodreads reviewer 5 stars

I am not quite sure where to start! This is not my normal genre, but having read Ms. Williby’s previous works (and loving them), I had to read this one as well. I loved everything about the book! It is hands-down one of the most touching stories I’ve ever read, and I’m so glad I did!

Lily is absolutely the strongest female lead I’ve ever read. What she goes through and overcomes is extraordinary. The supporting characters are also very strong, but Lily just blew me away. The way she is portrayed sheds new light on Cerebral Palsy and gave this reader great insight into the life of someone with CP. I still think about the characters and story even a few weeks after reading it.

You cannot go wrong with this book, no matter what genre you read. Jalpa Williby is also an author to add to your must-read list. Every book she writes, she grows stronger as an author. I just know her future works will be even more amazing!

I was provided an ARC copy of the book by the author in exchange for my fair and honest review. Angie Martin (International Award-winning and best selling author) 5 star review!

My perfect Imperfections by Jalpa Wilby is by far one of the best book I’ve read not only this year, but in the last few years. I wish there was more than five stars to give it. It’s a breathtaking story of strength, love, and living life to the fullest each day. Lily Cooper is a strong, smart, and beautiful woman. She also was born with Cerebal Palsy. This in no way defines who she is. It’s Lily’s twin sister and best friend Layna, who helps Lily see that she has so much to offer. Their relationship is one of my favorite parts of the story. The connection they have gets them through everything. When Lily feels down because she thinks no boy will ever like her or ask her to a dance, Layna is there to tell her there will be someone. I don’t want to give anymore away about this story because the way it unfolds is masterfully done.

Over the course of this story you’ll be hit with so many emotions. Even now just thinking about this book, I can’t help but think about certain parts that stick out because of the range of emotions I felt. Above all that there is this incredible heroine Lily. Even though you know she has CP, you forget about it. She’s vibrant, witty, sarcastic at times, full of love, smart, beautiful, and makes sure to take each day as a gift.
The people she meets and the hope and chance at love, ties everything together so perfectly in this story.

Jalpa Willby does a superb job with this story. The detail, characters, and emotions she conveys so effortlessly in My Perfect Imperfections, is what makes this one of the best books of the year. She shines a light on how society looks at people with disabilities and shows that there is so much more. What she does best, is tell a story of love and strength that you will fall in love with and never forget.
*Note: I was given an ARC of this book by the author for an honest review. -Elena Cruz (blogger/reviewer) 5 star review!

I was given a copy of this book through a book blog I help run and I was hesitant to read it at first because it isn’t what I would usually read, BUT I am so glad I took the leap and read it. This story will rip your heart out, repair it and rip it out again. It leads you on am emotional roller coaster that you will not want to get off of. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants something different that the norm, or for anyone who is looking for a deep read, this book is definitely not light. -Christina Escue (blogger/reviewer) 5 star review

From the moment I first heard that the author was working on this book I was intrigued. As publication got closer and teasers and more information started coming out, I knew I had to read it. I found the idea of a girl with cerebral palsy as the heroine so refreshing. I was absolutely thrilled to receive an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have been trying to decide what to include in the review for days since I finished it. The 5 stars was a no brainer – it is a fantastic, deeply moving book that you will not soon forget no matter how much you read. I can honestly say I’ve never read anything quite like it, which is both refreshing and a sad statement on the overlooked in our society. A beautiful love story? Absolutely! Inspirational? Without a doubt. Heart-wrenching tear jerker? Definitely has that covered. I am not usually one to cry when I read, but this one tore me up. It should come with a jumbo sized box of tissue, even for the most cynical and jaded amongst us.

The writing itself is fantastic, from beautifully prosaic to brutally real, it is all carried in a lovely cadence. Between Jalpa’s unique voice and a wonderful job editing there is nothing to complain about stylistically. A wonderful, realistic romance with all the highs and lows that real life brings, but it is so much more than that as well. The heroine has disabilities that most of us cannot begin to understand, but the struggles of her heart are the same any of us have gone through. The struggles with her body, while heart breaking, are a true testament to the resiliency of the human spirit and so inspirational. No matter what you are struggling with, it will bring perspective. The knowledge of the technology available to help those with severe disabilities is woven in such a way that you do not realize how much you are learning at the time, but in retrospect you have to respect the author’s research/knowledge and skill in relaying the information to the reader in such a subtle way.

I do not feel I am really doing the story any justice with this review, but it comes with my highest recommendation to almost any audience. -LaDonna (Blogger/reviewer) 5 star review!

My Perfect Imperfections Preorder

cover 4

Did you know My Perfect Imperfections is available for preorder? Release date is August 18th! Yikes! I’m nervous and excited at the same time. Here’s the link:

Oh, and here’s a special treat… My Perfect Imperfections trailer!

As always, thank you for your support. 🙂

Dream Cast for My Perfect Imperfections

Here’s the dream cast for My Perfect Imperfections (coming soon)! I am so excited to share this beautiful story about a girl with Cerebral Palsy. I promise you that this story will make you feel every emotion.

Maia Mitchell as Lily Cooper (Note: Lily has green eyes)

Lily has Cerebral Palsy and relies on her wheelchair to get around.

Maia Mitchell as Lily           maia mitchell as Lily also

Douglas Booth as Chance Ryker

(Lily’s first kiss, her first love… but, there’s a lot we don’t really know about him)

Douglas Booth as Chance


Olivia Holt as Layna Cooper

(Lily’s twin sister, who is perfect in every way)

olivia holt layna (1)

Keke Palmer as Kathy (Lily’s best friend and colleague at work)

Keke Palmer as Kathy (Lily's friend)

Mackenzie Foy as Layna Ryker

Mackenzie Foy Layna (2)

Angie Harmon (Lily’s mother)

Angie Harmon Lily's mom

Reed Diamond (Lily’s dad)

Reed Diamond as Lily's Dad

Benjamin McKenzie as Mark (the other guy)

Benjamin McKenzie as Mark

Javier Bardem as Kenny (yes, there is a villain in this story)

Javier Bardem as Kenny

I’m so excited that I was able to find actors/actresses that fit the way I visualized the characters! This story is completely different than anything I’ve written in the past. It’s dear to my heart, and I can only hope that it brings inspiration and hope to the readers.

Cover Reveal for My Perfect Imperfections!

Hey, everybody!

Here’s my cover for My Perfect Imperfections (coming soon). I wanted something simple, yet powerful. Hope you guys like it. 🙂

Front Cover

cover 4

Full cover (front, spine, back)

MPI cover

To celebrate, here are some teasers…

MPI teaser2


mpi teaser3

Stay tuned for the release date! Will keep you posted. 🙂